Tuesday 26 October 2010

Second Sample

We got a letter from the hospital today to the effect of "unfortunately the results of your second sample test were much the same as the first and so we're inviting you in for blood test" The words had barely registered before my boyfriend was freaking out.. Apparently he is no fan of needles and is now panic stricken at the thought of this test. He got online immediately to ask google why the Doc even wanted a blood sample. Did he think he'd find a way out of it? lol. If we DO get pregnant I'm gonna go through a lot worse than blood tests, and that's if it's a NORMAL pregnancy/conception.. if we get in to IVF he's gonna have to toughen up!
So we both have Friday off and I figure that's as good a time as any. My period is due in like 2 days and despite all odds being against us around this time of the month it's difficult not to be hopeful.. So every month I set myself up for disappointment. The sooner the blood test is done hopefully the sooner the op' is booked in and the sooner we can start seriously TTC ...as is right now we're in a bit of a no-mans-land.
I will of course keep you updated on our progress.. if for no other reason than I think in years to come this will be a great source of reference for me and hopefully others.. You never remember everything froma time like this so it will be great to remember each step and how much we really wanted that baby.

Hope you are all well and for those of you TTC... good luck


miss BB

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